
Programs, Assistance & Resources

Dear Community Members,

While the City of Westminster is not a direct provider of housing, we partner closely with the local housing authorities in Adams and Jefferson Counties and non-profit organizations who do provide housing and housing services.  In addition, we work alongside county staff to allocate federal dollars to assist low-income individuals and families. We have included a list of housing resources below and will continue to add to this list as we receive updates.

County Human Services

Eviction & Foreclosure Assistance Programs

Fair Housing

The City of Westminster is committed to affirmatively furthering fair housing. To learn more about fair housing and housing discrimination visit the Fair Housing page.

Homebuyer Assistance Programs

Homelessness Resources and Information

Visit the Homelessness Resources and Information page for details about resources for homelessness in Westminster.

Homeowner Assistance Programs

Landlord Resources

Legal & Federal Resources

Renter Resources

Senior Housing Resources

Copies of the Senior Resource Guide (a/k/a the “Blue Book”) may be obtained at The MAC, 3295 W 72nd Ave or by calling 303.426.4310

Other Resources

  • Family Tree | Family Tree works with individuals and families to prevent homelessness and connect them to affordable housing
  • Growing Home | Growing Home works in partnership with the community in the areas of food, housing, parenting education and lifelong stability
  • Jewish Family Service | Jewish Family Service provides limited financial aid to Denver-area individuals and families to prevent homelessness with rent assistance, case management, and access to other supportive services
  • Mile High United Way | 2-1-1 is a multilingual and confidential service that connects individuals to critical resources including food, shelter, rental assistance, childcare, and more
  • The Action Center | The Action Center Provides various forms of assistance, including rent assistance and food assistance to residents of Jefferson County

NOTE: this is not meant to be an all-inclusive list and is subject to change. If you have questions or feedback, please contact us. Thank you!

Contact Information

Stephanie Troller

stroller@westminsterco.gov or 303-658-2318

Economic Development

ecodevo@westminsterco.gov or 303-658-2108