As the COVID-19 public health crisis continues, Westminster City Council continues to work to protect the public’s health and, thus, passed a resolution requiring all people above age three, who are medically able, to wear non-medical cloth face coverings in local businesses or outdoors when social distancing is not possible. This resolution was passed and adopted on Monday, May 11.

The order includes any interactions people may have within businesses and government facilities in the city. You should also wear a face covering if you are outdoors and unable to maintain social distance from people outside of your household.

For example, if you are in a park or walking in your neighborhood with your family and you can maintain a distance of at least six feet from people outside your household, a face covering is not required. However, a face covering is required if you are outdoors and unable to maintain social distancing of at least six feet.

According to data from Jefferson County Public Health, there have been 1,200 confirmed cases of COVID-19 and 96 deaths in Jefferson County as of Monday, May 11. The Tri-County Health Department reports 6,157 positive cases of COVID-19 in Adams, Arapahoe and Douglas counties with 51 deaths in Adams County alone as of Monday, May 11. The city is still in the midst of this pandemic, which is why Council implemented the resolution.

Visit the Colorado Department of Health and Environment’s web site for information and best practices about face coverings.

If you see someone not wearing a face covering, we encourage you to maintain social distance and demonstrate respect for others when following the resolution. There are valid, medical reasons that may prohibit someone from wearing a face covering.

Thank you for your help during these tough times. City Council, and your fellow Westminster residents, appreciate your cooperation.