Westminster Economic Development


Stephanie Troller, CEcD

Stephanie joined the Economic Development Office in early 2017. Her primary focus will be assisting in the revitalization of south Westminster and business retention. Stephanie brings over 13 years of economic development and project management experience. She has a strong background in helping communities achieve their short-term and long-term goals through facilitated strategic planning processes.

She previously served as the Colorado Main Street Coordinator at the Colorado Department of Local Affairs. Prior to that, she served as a Regional Economic and Community Development Manager in New Mexico. Her professional background includes business retention, downtown revitalization, affordable housing, public facilitation, policy, and practical problem solving.

Stephanie is a Certified Economic Developer, CEcD, with focus on strategic planning and neighborhood revitalization. She holds a bachelor’s degree in International Business from New Mexico State University and a Master of Public Administration from the University of Colorado, Denver.